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Child Safe Policies - Dance Arts

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy


The intention of this policy is to ensure protective practices for children, young people (under 18 years of age) and families who engage and participate in the DanceArts’ organisation. DanceArts’ Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy is implemented by DanceArts staff and volunteers to keep them safe (inclusive of cultural safety) from deliberate or inadvertent risk of harm. This policy provides all DanceArts personnel with an understanding of their responsibilities to keep children and young people safe, while fostering a culture of openness and respect of cultural diversity, recognising all children have a right to be safe from harm, regardless of age, culture, religion, gender, sexuality, identity or disability. It also sets out the responsibilities of all staff and volunteers employed by DanceArts.



This policy represents the position of DanceArts as a single organisation as defined in the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 and the duty DanceArts staff and volunteers have to ensure children and young people are kept safe from harm while engaging and participating in our organisation. This policy is supported by the DanceArts Child Safe Code of Conduct, Risk Assessment and the Mandatory Notification Policy and associated Procedure.



This policy applies to all DanceArts staff, contractors, students on placement, and volunteers working with children and young people across all settings and activities.


Policy Detail


DanceArts recognises and acknowledges children and young people are valued citizens, and the future of South Australia is inextricably bound to their wellbeing. As a result, it is of vital importance to South Australia all children and young people are given the opportunity to thrive. As per s4(2) of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, the outcomes for all children and young people are to be safe from harm; do well at all levels of learning and have skills for life; enjoy a healthy lifestyle; and be active citizens who have a voice and influence. DanceArts recognises it is the duty of its staff and volunteers to safeguard and promote these outcomes for children and young people who engage and participate in the our organisation.

DanceArts values all children and young people and seeks to keep them safe from harm and provide opportunities to thrive. DHS provides children and young people with an environment in which they feel safe, valued, respected, and encouraged to reach their individual potential.



To minimise risk and provide safety to children and young people, DanceArts staff and volunteers have the following responsibilities.
The Principal will:

To minimise risk and provide safety to children and young people, DanceArts staff and volunteers have the following responsibilities.
The Principal will:

  • comply with the requirements of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, in particulars114 and s145;
  • ensure inclusive policies and procedures are created and maintained for the provision of safe environments for children and young people;
  • establish a guiding framework for the protection, safety and wellbeing of children and young people through policies, procedures, training and support for staff;
  • ensure the guiding framework is culturally inclusive;
  • ensure the needs of children and young people are reflected in DanceArts strategies and policies;
  • lodge a completed compliance statement with the Child Safe Environments program within DHS (when policy suite is first published and when subsequent versions are published) to ensure that a record of DanceArts meeting this requirement is maintained.
  • promote the shared responsibility of supporting the care and protection of children and young people to all DanceArts staff; and volunteers

The Principal and Administration Manager of DanceArts will:
Ensure up to date policies and procedures regarding child safe environments and mandatory reporting are in place and communicated across DanceArts; and

  • ensure such policies and procedures are reviewed on a regular basis, every three years or as required, and there is active involvement from children, young people and families in the review process.
  • follow DanceArts recruitment policies and guidelines when recruiting staff and volunteers to ensure appropriate screening checks are conducted;
  • ensure all staff and volunteers are provided with information about their child safeguarding obligations at induction, which includes a copy of the relevant policies, procedure and code of conduct;
  • provide adequate training, supervision and support to staff and volunteers to ensure they understand their obligations and contribute to DanceArts’ organisational culture of protection and support of children and young people;
  • ensure that all alleged breaches of this policy are investigated and responded to; and
  • ensure investigations of breaches of this policy are child-focussed at all times.



Breaches of this policy may be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct, which may result in disciplinary action, including possible dismissal or termination of agreement. Breaches may also lead to criminal proceedings.


Mandatory Reporting

Obligations of DanceArts staff and volunteers to report a reasonable suspicion a child or young person is, or may be, at risk of harm are outlined in DanceArts’ Mandatory Report Policy and Procedure.



Code of Conduct

Expectations of DanceArts staff and volunteers are detailed in the DanceArts’ Code of Conduct.



Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed on an as needs basis, or every three years, whichever is the earlier. The Principal, Administrative Manager will be responsible for initiating this process.

Review activities will ensure alignment with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and will also consider improvements that can be made to child safe policies and procedures across DanceArts.


Related Documents

National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (PDF 1.9MB)

Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017

Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016

Mandatory Notification Policy and Procedure

Child Safe Environments Code of Conduct

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations


Mandatory Reporting Policy and Procedure – DanceArts


This policy and procedure outlines how DanceArts will ensure that Mandatory Reporting provides a safe environment for all children and young people who participate in our organisation.